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U.S. Revenue stamps

First issue, 1860-71

Scott Catalog letter suffixes: a = imperforate; b = part perforate (typically perf vertically, imperf horizontally); c = fully perforated.

Scott R1c, 1¢ Express, plate number 1

Scott R2a, imperforate, 1¢ Playing Cards; and R2c, fully perforated, plate number 1 B

The R2a example is photographically cropped from a vertical pair, the only known multiple with a plate number. Ex Cunliffe.

Scott R3b, part perforate, 1¢ Proprietary, imperforate horizontally, plate number 1 A

Scott R3c var, 1¢ Proprietary, crazy perfs in margin, plate number 1 A

Scott R9a, 2¢ Express, plate number 2 E

Scott R11P4, 2¢ Playing Cards proof on card, plate number 20

Scott R13b, 2¢ Proprietary, imperforate horizontally, plate number 2 A

Scott R15c, 2¢ Internal Revenue, plate number 082 not previously reported (Image courtesy of Eric Jackson)

Scott R23P4, 5¢ Agreement proof on card, plate number 2 5 H

Scott R24c, 5¢ Certificate of Conveyance, single with adjacent plate number 5 C; and Scott R24c, plate number 5 [C]

Scott R27c, 5¢ Inland Exchange, plate number 5

Scott R41P4, 20¢ Foreign Exchange proof on card, plate number "0" (not yet assigned)

The issued stamp was printed without a plate number. (Image courtesy of Matthew Bennett International)

Scott R48a, imperforate, 25¢ Power of Attorney, plate number 25 A (inverted A)

Scott R52c, 30¢ Inland Exchange, plate number 30 [F] (Image courtesy of Eric Jackson)

Scott R56a, imperforate, 50¢ Foreign Exchange, plate number 50 [I]

Scott R59b, 50¢ Mortgage, imperforate horizontally; and R59c, plate number 50 [T]

Scott R60c, 50¢ Original Process, plate number 50

Scott R62a, 50¢ Probate of Will, plate number 50 [W]

Scott R64a 60¢ Inland Exchange, imperforate; and R64b, imperforate horizontally, plate number 60 [F]

Scott R69c, $1 Inland Exchange, plate number 100 V

Scott R82P4, $2 Mortgage proof on card, plate number 200 T

Scott R84P4, $2.50 Inland Exchange proof on card, plate number 250 F

Scott R84, $2.50 Inland Exchange, used, plate number 250 F

Scott R86P4, $3 Manifest proof on card, plate number 300 S

Scott R88P4, $5 Charter Party proof on card, plate number 500 D

Scott R92P4, $5 Probate of Will proof on card, blank plate number as printed

Scott R94P4, $10 Conveyance proof on card, plate number 1000 M

Scott R95P4, $10 Mortgage proof on card, blank plate number as issued

Scott R97eP4, $15 Mortgage proof on card, plate number 1500 T

Scott R97P4, $15 Mortgage proof on card, plate number 1500 T

Scott R97fP4, $15 Mortgage proof on card, plate number 1500 T

Second issue, Documentary, 1871

Scott R104TC5, 2¢ trial color, plate number A9

Scott R104TC, 2¢ trial color, plate number 9A

Scott R109P3, 10¢ proof on India paper, plate number 5

Scott R110, 15¢, plate number 10

Scott R111P3, 20¢ proof on India paper, plate number 11

Scott R112b var, 25¢ with sewing machine perforations, plate number 21

Scott R115P4, 50¢ proof on card, inverted plate number 20

Scott R119P3, $1.30 proof on India paper, plate number 26

Scott R119P4, $1.30 proof on card, plate number 26

Scott R120P4, $1.50 proof on card, plate number 27

Scott R121P3, $1.60 proof on India paper, plate number 24

Scott R122P4, $1.90 proof on card, plate number 31

Scott R126P3, $3.50 proof on India paper, plate number 16

Scott R126P4, $3.50 proof on card, plate number 16

Scott R130P4, $25 proof on card, plate number 17, photographically cropped from a plate block of 4 that is likely unique

Scott R131P3, $50 proof on India paper, plate number 32

Scott R131P4, $50 proof on card, plate number 32

Scott R133, $500 used "Persian Rug" with imprints at both left and right

Third issue, 1871-72

Scott R134P4, 1¢ proof on card, plate number 6

Scott R135, 2¢, plate number 9

Scott R135P4, 2¢ proof on card, plate number 9A

Scott R136P3, 4¢ proof on India paper, plate number 13

Scott R136P4, 4¢ proof on card, plate number 13

Scott R137P4, 5¢ proof on card, plate number 19

Scott R138P4, 6¢ proof on card, inverted plate number 15

Scott R139P3, 15¢ proof on India paper, plate number 10

Scott R140P4, 30¢ proof on card, plate number 30

Scott R141P4, 40¢ proof on card, plate number 29, photographically cropped from a larger strip

Scott R142P4, 60¢ proof on card, plate number 22

Scott R143P4, 70¢ proof on card, plate number 23, photographically cropped from the unique bottom strip of 5 showing both black and green plate numbers

Scott R144, $1, plate number 25

Scott R145, $2, plate number 35

Scott R146P4, $2.50 proof on card, plate number 34

Scott R147, $3 used, plate number 36

Scott R147P3, $3 proof on India paper, plate number 36

Scott R148P4, $5 proof on card, plate number 8

Scott R149P4, $10 proof on card, plate number 28

Scott R150P3, $20 proof on India paper, plate number 33

Scott R150P4, $20 proof on card, plate number 33


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This page last updated June 15, 2024.