The American Plate Number Single Society





Becoming a member
Officers and Directors


Plate Numbers
Hebert's Catalog
Classified ads



American Philatelic Society
United States Stamp Society
Linn's Stamp News
Scott Publishing





Useful links for collectors

Stamp collecting organizations

  American Philatelic Society (APS)

United States Stamp Society (USSS) (formerly the Bureau Issues Association)

The USSS has a superb Resources page with additiona links.

Web site of the USSS's Marginal Markings Committee

Plate Number Coil Collectors Club (PNC3)
Transportation coils, Flag coils, non-profit coils, Fruits coils, and more

Virtual Stamp Club (VSC)

American Stamp Dealers Association (ASDA)

Canal Zone Study Group (CZSG)

United States Possessions Philatelic Society (USPPS)
Canal Zone, Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, Hawaii, Pacific Trust Territories, Samoa, Virgin Islands, U.S. Post Offices Abroad and more

Allied Military Government Collectors Club (AMG)
AMG-France, AMG-Austria, AMG-Germany, AMG-Italy, Trieste Zone A, Ryukyus and more

Delphi Stamp Collecting Forum



   Linn's Stamp News

   Scott Publishing

John Hotchner's column "What to Avoid in U.S. Philately"

USPS Postal Bulletin
The Stamp Organizations tab shows technical details about current stamp issues


APNSS Members' specialties

Jerry Katz specializes in "misplaced F's" on flat plate issues of the 1920's. Here is a link to his web site, showing examples and more.

The late Doug D'Avino's web page illustrating Siderographers' marks and Plate Finishers' initials is inactive as of May 2018. If it has moved, please advise if you have a working link.

Other links

Ron Maifeld's web site on modern booklet plate numbers

Robin Harris's web site on U.S. coil and booklet plate number singles

The American Society for Philatelic Pages and Panels web site. Some philatelic pages are created using plate number singles.

Todd Uebele's web site specializing in the 32¢ Flag Over Porch issues gives comprehensive Flag Over Porch information, including up-to-date pricing info.

Ray Coughlin's web site specializing in stamps and covers of U.S. possessions, with information on stamp shows worldwide, philatelic agencies, specialty groups and dozens of other links

The Stamp Collecting Roundup, Don Schilling's site featuring news, links and more about stamps

Joseph Luft's Philatelic Resources on the Web

APNSS member Robert Martin's web site Stamp Collecting Club for Kids

Visitor Ryan Stevens recommended this site for young collectors interested in topicals, especially in the area of transportation and shipping

West Indies Philatelic Study Group



The Philatelic Webmasters Organization site. PWO's goal is to promote, support and develop philately through philatelic webmastering.

Comments? Suggestions? Have information on a group we should link to? Email the Webmaster: .

This page last updated May 19, 2024. All links were active and functioning at the time.

Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of any other individual or organization.

Images or logos are copyrights or trademarks of their respective owners.