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Scott C13, plate number 20079

Addendum to 2024 Hebert's Catalog: new plate numbers reported

New plate numbers have been reported for the following stamps:

Scott 5039, 10¢ Pears coil: #B111111 2019 reprint, joining original #S111111 from 2016 and #B222222 reprint from 2023
Scott 5665, (5¢) Butterfly Garden Flowers not-for-profit coil: #B2222
Scott 5756A, (5¢) Patriotic Block coil reprint with wide 2023 date: #B222
Scott REA99, 33-1/3¢ or 1/3 barrel Beer stamp (REA85 with 1914 surcharge): #xx221
Canal Zone Scott C3 var, 25¢ on 2¢ Goethals, fifth printing with narrow spacing: #115184, 115185, 115186, 115187

Addendum to 2024 Hebert's Catalog: new plate position types reported

New plate position types have been reported for the following stamps:

Scott 219: #280 B
Scott 247: #101 R
Scott 248: #4 B, 23 R, 26 B, 32 R
Scott 249: #4 B, 23 R, 26 B, 32 R
Scott 250: #4 B, 23 R, 26 B, 32 R, 114 T, 114 L
Scott 253: #48 B
Scott 255: #53 L
Scott 264: #101 R, 439 T
Scott 265: #114 T, 114 L
Scott 267: #175 R, 204 B, 211 R, 232 T, 274 B, 372 B, 425 L, 465 R, 475 R, 486 R, 502 T
Scott 269: #463 T
Scott 270: #351 B, 357 B, 391 B
Scott 272: #249 B, 1094 T, 1094 T
Scott 273: #305 L, 305 B
Scott 279: #439 T, 539 L, 938 B, 939 T, 939 L, 1023 L, 1044 T, 1065 B, 1148 R
Scott 279B: #759 T, 815 R, 897 T, 1057 B, 1348 B, 1355 T, 1361 T, 1386 R, 1412 B
Scott 280: #463 T
Scott 281: #391 B, 948 B, 1200 B, 1202 T, 1202 B
Scott 282: #923 B
Scott 282C: #305 L, 305 B
Scott 283: #933 B
Scott 286: #676 T, 716 T, 720 T
Scott 300: #4073 L
Scott 302: #3536 B
Scott 314: #4073 L
Scott 319: #1943 L
Scott 324: #2082 T, 2095 B, 2182 T
Scott 331: #4910 B, 5166 B, 5242 B, 5380 L, 5404 T, 5432 T
Scott 332: #4839 B, 4883 B, 5025 B, 5092 R, 5092 B, 5280 R, 5303 L
Scott 333: #5126 L
Scott 334: #5212 L
Scott 339: #4946 L
Scott 343: #5166 B, 5242 B, 5380 L
Scott 344: #4883 B, 5092 R, 5092 B, 5280 R, 5303 L
Scott 346: #5212 L
Scott 370: #5250 L; also Scott 371 imperf
Scott 374: #5482 B, 5484 T, 5486 R, 5567 T, 5599 T, 5604 T, 5607 T, 5622 T, 5637 L, 5666 T, 5699 B
Scott 375: #5092 R, 5092 B, 5280 R, 5303 L, 5404 T, 5609 T, 5636 B, 5655 L, 5668 T
Scott 376: #5126 L
Scott 383: #5380 L, 5482 B, 5484 T, 5486 R, 5567 T, 5599 T, 5604 T, 5607 T, 5622 T, 5637 L; 5666 (discovery example is a used T PNS)
Scott 384: #5092 R, 5092 B, 5280 R, 5303 L, 5404 T, 5609 T, 5636 B, 5655 L, 5668 T
Scott 405: #6006 T, 6013 R, 6272 T, 6785 B, 6814 T
Scott 406: #5929 B, 5984 T, 6066 B, 6093 L, 6094 T, 6511 B, 6651 T, 6699 B, 6855 T, 6874 T, 7074 T, 7083 L, 7087 B
Scott 408: #6006 T, 6013 R, 6785 B, 6814 T, 7326 R
Scott 409: #5929 B, 6093 L, 6094 T, 6511 B, 6651 T, 7091 T, 7206 T, 7223 T, 7225 L, 7309 T, 7328 B, 7342 T, 7394 R, 7732 T
Scott 424: #7164 L, 7326 R
Scott 425: #7074 T, 7083 L, 7087 B, 7091 T, 7199 T, 7206 T, 7223 T, 7225 L, 7309 T, 7328 B, 7342 T, 7394 R, 7586 T, 7685 R, 7709 L, 7732 T
Scott 427: removed listing for p#7342
Scott 428: #7238 B
Scott 462: #7733 T, 7850 B, 7863 T, 7886 B
Scott 463: #7225 L, 7709 L, 7732 T, 7780 B, 7783 R, 7801 T, 7930 T, 7947 T, 7989 B, 8000 T, 8009 T, 8010 T
Scott 481: #7850 B, 7863 T, 8040 B, 9479 B, 10073 L, 10076 B, 10084 B, 10085 B, 10091 R, 10092 L, 10092 B, 10197 B, 10264 R, 10264 B, 13363 R
Scott 482: #7780 B, 7783 R, 7801 T, 7930 T, 7947 T, 8009 T, 8010 T, 8069 T, 9191 B, 12979 L
Scott 483: #8135 B
Scott 498: #7733 T, 7913 B, 8007 B, 8040 B, 8060 B, 8257 B, 8400 B, 8430 T (from F position), 8450 B, 8512 B, 8910 B, 8929 B, 8944 R, 9479 B, 10073 L, 10076 B, 10084 B, 10085 B, 10091 R, 10092 L, 10092 B, 10121 B, 10189 B, 10197 B, 10264 R, 10264 B, 12491 B, 12497 B, 13252 B, 13363 R
Scott 499: #7709 L, 7732 T, 7801 T, 7930 T, 7947 T, 7989 B, 8000 T, 8009 T, 8010 T, 8041 B, 8069 T, 8502 B, 8523 R, 9160 L, 9191 B, 12979 L
Scott 501: #8135 B
Scott 503: #8880 B
Scott 504: #10707 B, 12479 no F top pos (as PNS), 13499 B
Scott 506: #13375 L
Scott 508: #7742 L, 13583 B
Scott 512 claret brown: #7036 L, 7037 T; also 512a brown carmine; also 512c claret red
Scott 525 green: #9540 T, 9672 T, 9675 B, 9713 T, 9787 B, 9810 B, 9818 B, 9825 B, 9973 T, 9985 B, 9993 T, 10001 R, 10001 B, 10005 B, 10009 B, 10028 T; also Scott 525a dark green
Scott 526: #10826 R, 10840 R, 10881 B, 10905 T
Scott 527: #11004 T, 11023 L, 11134 B, 11154 L, 11191 B, 11231 B, 11237 L
Scott 528: #11307 B, 11323 B, 11331 T, 11403 B, 11447 B, 11526 B, 11920 B, 11926 B, 12031 B, 12044 T, 12074 B, 12109 T, 12130 T
Scott 528A: #11609 B; 11686 L, 11686 B Type IV, 11710 Type III
Scott 528B: #12167 B Types III and IV, 12193 B, 12208 T Type III, 12213 B Types IV and V, 12243 B Type III, 12245 R, 12251 B, 12263 T, 12285 B, 12287 B, 12293 B Type III, 12303 B, 12326 B Types II and III, 12328 T, 12328 B, 12329 T, 12332 B Type III, 12334 B, 12338 B, 12347 B, 12349 T, 12657 R, 12662 T, 12668 B, 12669 B, 12679 T, 12729 B Type III, 12733 B Type III, 12736 T, 12772 T, 12819 B Type III, 12821 T, 12821 B, 12822 T Types II and III, 12825 B Types II and III, 13089 R
Scott 529: #8417 T, 8632 T
Scott 530: #8733 T, 8749 B, 8756 T, 8776 B, 8830 B, 8838 B, 8990 B, 9065 T, 9069 B, 9256 L, 9302 T, 9323 R, 9331 T, 9332 T, 9332 L, 9344 R, 9373 T, 9385 T, 9393 T, 9559 T, 9845 R, 9864 R, 9884 R, 9911 T, 9924 B
Scott 531: #9540 T, 9818 B
Scott 532: #10881 B
Scott 534: #11403 B, 12109 T
Scott 534A: #11710 Type III
Scott 535: #9256 L, 9323 R, 9331 T, 9332 T, 9332 L, 9385 T, 9393 T
Scott 536: #9985 B, 9993 T, 10001 R, 10001 B
Scott 551: #17044 R; 17046 T Type II (from F position); removed 17046 F; J.H.S. LL
Scott 552: #14193 B, 16043 B, 16570 B
Scott 553: #16861 R, 16867 B, 16938 L
Scott 554: #14506 B, 15913 B, 16758 B; removed 17557 F
Scott 555: #15173 L
Scott 557: #14288 L, 14562 R, 15148 B, 15203 B, 15205 L
Scott 560: #16218 B
Scott 561: #14240 L
Scott 562: #14230 R
Scott 563 greenish blue: #15799 B; also Scott 563a light bluish green
Scott 564: #15692 R, 16405 R, 17470 L, 17471 L
Scott 565: #14526 L
Scott 575: #16043 B
Scott 576: #16861 R, 16867 B, 16938 L
Scott 614: #15758 R
Scott 615: #15760 R
Scott 619: #16806 L; 16807 B Type II horizontal line above head, from plate crack
Scott 627: #18637 L
Scott 634b carmine lake: #19977 (LR with cert)
Scott 645a lake: #19494 L (pb6, no cert); 19501 B (pb6 with cert)
Scott 734: UR "C"
Scott E8: #5863 B; also E8b
Scott E9: #5863 B; also E9a
Scott E12: #14329 B, 17567 B; also E12a
Scott E13: #16834 R; also E13a
Scott J62: #10335 B; also J62a, J62b
Scott J68: #17127 B, 17129 B
Scott Q1: #6202 T, 6208 T
Scott Q2: #6180 T, 6198 R
Scott Q3: #6254 L, 6254 R, 6256 R, 6257 T
Scott Q6: #6167 B, 6168 B
Scott R154: #539 L
Scott R155: #475 R, 486 R
Scott R155c: #475 R
Scott R228: #10743 T, 10743 B
Scott R321: #143813 T 30%, used example joining 143813 B 20% previously reported
Scott RB32: #PL402 R
Scott RB44: #PL402 R
Scott RB73: #377 / 0 T
Scott RC22: #10743 T, 10743 B
Scott RE25: #PL3 / 73 T
CZ Scott 74: #15148 B, 15205 L
CZ Scott 122: #141501 F, previously unreported
Cuba 224: #447 T, 449 B, 450 T
Cuba 225: #390 T, 391 T, 391 B, 392 T, 392 B, 407 T, 409 T, 409 B, 410 T, 410 B
Guam 3: #449 B
Philippines 212: #75 T, 75 B
Philippines 215: #447 T, 449 B, 450 T
Philippines 216: #390 T, 391 T, 391 B, 392 T, 392 B, 407 T, 409 T, 409 B, 410 T, 410 B, 982 B, 1200 B, 1202 B, 1218 B, 1220 B
Philippines 217A: #1337 T, 1338 T, 1338B
Philippines 218: #264 T, 264 B
Philippines 219: #75 T, 75 B
Philippines 220: #1101 B, 1102 T
Philippines 221: #924 B, 925 B
Philippines 224: #84 T
Philippines 225: #85 T, 85 B
Puerto Rico 212: #390 T, 391 T, 391 B, 392 T, 392 B, 410 T, 410 B
Puerto Rico 216: #840 B, 850 B, 851 B, 852 B, 853 B, 855 B, 857 B, 858 B, 860 B, 878 B, 895 B, 896 B, 897 B, 905 B

For an explanation of plate position types, see the Introduction in the 2024 Hebert's Catalogue of Plate Number Singles.


A complete listing and valuation of plate numbers, positions and other marginal markings will appear in the next edition of the Hebert's Catalog of Plate Number Singles.


Comments? Suggestions? New plate number to report? Email the Webmaster: .


This page last updated May 19, 2024.

Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the APNSS, its officers or members.