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1981-1999 Transportation Coils

By far the largest series ever issued by the U.S., these water-adhesive coil stamps all featured various forms of transportation. With precancels, tagging, gum and other varieties thrown in, the transportation coils comprise a fertile area for the casual collector or the specialist.


Scott 1897, 1¢ Omnibus, original design, overall tagged, plate numbers 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6


Scott 1897 var, 1¢ Omnibus, miscut so plate number appears at top , plate numbers 1, 5 and 6

Scott 1897 var, 1¢ Omnibus, misperfed, plate number 1


Scott 1897b, 1¢ Omnibus imperforate error, plate numbers 5 and 6


Scott 2225, 1¢ Omnibus, redesigned with large 1, block tagging, plate numbers 1 (dry gum) and 2 (dull gum)

Scott 2225 var, 1¢ Omnibus, split plate number 2


Scott 2225 var, 1¢ Omnibus, misperfed vertically, plate number 2

Scott 2225c, 1¢ Omnibus, imperforate error, plate number 2
(Only known plate number example from among the ~24 imperforate pairs. Image courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2225a, 1¢ Omnibus, redesigned, mottled prephosphored tagging, plate number 3

Scott 2225b, 1¢ Omnibus, redesigned, untagged, plate number 3

Scott 2225b var, 1¢ Omnibus, redesigned, plate number 3 appearing as "D" or "B"


Scott 1897A, 2¢ Locomotive, original design, plate numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10

   Scott 1897A var, 2¢ Locomotive, original design, miscut, plate numbers 3 and 10 at top

Scott 1897A var, 2¢ Locomotive, misperfed vertically, plate number 4


Scott 1897Ac, 2¢ Locomotive, imperforate error, plate numbers 3, 4, 8 and 10

Scott 2226, 2¢ Locomotive, redesigned with large 2, block tagging, plate number 1

Scott 2226a, 2¢ Locomotive, redesigned, untagged, plate number 2


Scott 1898, 3¢ Handcar, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4

Scott 1898 var, 3¢ Handcar, misperfed, plate number 4


Scott 2252, 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, tagged, plate number 1


Scott 2252a, 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, untagged, plate numbers 2 (dull gum), and 3 and 6 (shiny gum)

Scott 2252a var, 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, untagged, semi-gloss gum, small plate number 5

Scott 2252a var, 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, split plate number 3

Scott 2252b, 3¢ Conestoga Wagon, imperforate error, plate number 5
(Probably unique, as only two imperf strips are known, of 12 and 13 stamps. Image courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)


Scott 2123, 3.4¢ School bus, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2123a, 3.4¢ precanceled, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 1898A, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6


Scott 1898A var, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, misperfed, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 1898A var, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, miscut (missing "Stagecoach 1890s"), plate number 3 (Image courtesy of eBay / nystamps)


Scott 1898Ab, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, precanceled, plate numbers 3, 4 and 6


Scott 1898Ab var, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, precanceled, misperfed, plate numbers 3, 4 and 5


Scott 1898A var, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, local precancel, plate numbers 3 and 4

Scott 1898Ac, 4¢ Stagecoach precancel, imperforate error, plate number 5

Scott 1898Ac var, 4¢ Stagecoach precancel, imperforate error, miscut, plate number 6 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1898Ae, 4¢ Stagecoach, original design, tagging omitted error, plate number 3


Scott 1898Ad, 4¢ Stagecoach, imperforate error, plate numbers 1 and 2
(Images courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2228, 4¢ Stagecoach, redesigned, block tagged, plate number 1

The redesigned stamp is narrower and does not have the joint line.

Scott 2228a, 4¢ Stagecoach, redesigned, overall tagged, plate number 1


Scott 2228b, 4¢ Stagecoach, redesigned, imperforate error, plate numbers 1 and 2
Images courtesy of Bill Langs and Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2451, 4¢ Steam Carriage, tagged, plate number 1

Scott 2451b, 4¢ Steam Carriage, untagged, plate number 1

Scott 2451a, 4¢ Steam Carriage, imperforate error, plate number 1


Scott 2124, 4.9¢ Buckboard, plate numbers 3 and 4


Scott 2124a, 4.9¢ precanceled, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Scott 2124a var, 4.9¢ Buckboard precancel, miscut with plate number 1 at top


Scott 2124a var, 4.9¢ Buckboard precancel, miscut with split plate numbers 1, 2 and 6 at both top and bottom


Scott 1899, 5¢ Motorcycle, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4

One example of Scott 1899a imperforate error is known with plate number 1, and one example with plate number 2.

Scott 2253, 5¢ Milk Wagon, plate number 1


Scott 2452, 5¢ Circus Wagon, no date, tagged, dull gum,plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2452a, 5¢ Circus Wagon, no date, untagged, dull gum, plate number 1

Scott 2452a var, 5¢ Circus Wagon, no date, untagged, low gloss gum, plate number 2


Scott 2452B, 5¢ Circus Wagon, no date, tagged, plate numbers A1 and A2

Scott 2452Bf, 5¢ Circus Wagon, no date, luminescent ink, plate number A3


Scott 2452D, 5¢ Circus Wagon used, 1995 date, tagged, low gloss gum, plate numbers S1 and S2

Scott 2452De, 5¢ Circus Wagon, imperforate error, plate number S2


Scott 2452Dg var, 5¢ Circus Wagon, 1995 date, luminescent ink, low gloss gum, plate numbers S2 and S3


Scott 2453, 5¢ Canoe, brown, plate numbers 1, 2 and 3

Scott 2453 var, 5¢ Canoe, brown, misperfed, plate number 1


Scott 2453a, 5¢ Canoe, brown, imperforate error, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2453a var, 5¢ Canoe, brown, imperforate and miscut horizontally error, plate number 1

Scott 2454, 5¢ Canoe, orange, plate number S11 (both shiny gum and low-gloss gum varieties)


Scott 1900, 5.2¢ Sleigh, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5


Scott 1900 var, 5.2¢ Sleigh, miscut, split plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 1900a, 5.2¢ Sleight, precanceled, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Scott 2254, 5.3¢ Elevator, plate number 1

Scott 2125, 5.5¢ Star Route Truck, tagged, plate number 1


Scott 2125a, 5.5¢ untagged precancel, plate numbers 1 and 2

An untagged, un-precanceled version having plate number 1 is an error, Scott 2125b.


Scott 1901, 5.9¢ Bicycle, plate numbers 3 and 4

Scott 1901 var, 5.9¢ Bicycle, miscut with plate number 4 at top

Scott 1901 var, 5.9¢ Bicycle, miscut with complete plate number 3 at top and partial plate number 3 at bottom

Scott 1901 var, 5.9¢ Bicycle, misperfed to right, plate number 4


Scott 1901a, 5.9¢ precanceled, plate numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6

Scott 1901a var, 5.9¢ Bicycle, precanceled, plate number 5, showing gap in precancel bars

Scott 1901a var, 5.9¢ Bicycle, precanceled, plate number 4, gap in precancel bars, miscut with plate number appearing at top


Scott 1901b, 5.9¢ Bicycle, imperforate error, precanceled, plate numbers 3 and 4
(Images courtesy of Kelleher Auciton Galleries)

Scott 2126, 6¢ Tricycle, plate number 1


Scott 2126a, 6¢ Tricycle, precanceled, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2126b, 6¢Tricycle, precanceled, imperforate error, plate number 2

Scott 2127, 7.4¢ Tractor, tagged, plate number 1

Scott 2127 var, 7.4¢ Tractor, misperfed, plate number 1

Scott 2127a, 7.4¢ Tractor, untagged, nonprofit org. precancel, plate number 1

Scott 2127b, 7.4¢ Tractor, untagged, ZIP+4 precancel, plate number 1

Scott 1902, 7.4¢ Baby Buggy, plate number 2

Scott 1902a, 7.4¢ Baby Buggy, precanceled, plate number 2

Scott 1902a var, 7.4¢ precanceled, misperfed vertically, plate number 2

Scott 2255, 7.6¢ Carreta, plate number 1 in brown of subject

Scott 2255 var, 7.6¢ Carreta, plate number 2 in red of overprint

Scott 2255 var, 7.6¢ Carreta, misperfed, plate number 2


Scott 2128, 8.3¢ Ambulance, Cottrell Press (with joint line), tagged, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2128a, 8.3¢ Ambulance, untagged precancel, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4


Scott 2231, 8.3¢ Ambulance precancel, B Press (narrower design with no joint line), plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2256, 8.4¢ Wheel Chair, plate numbers 1, 2 and 3


Scott 2256a, 8.4¢ Wheel Chair, imperforate error, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2129, 8.5¢ Tow Truck, plate number 1, and Scott 2129a, 8.5¢ precanceled, plate number 1

Scott 2129a var, 8.5¢ Tow Truck, split plate number 1


Scott 1903, 9.3¢ Mail Wagon, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6



Scott 1903a, 9.3¢ precanceled, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8

Scott 1903a var, misperfed vertically, plate number 3 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)


Scott 1903a var, precancel bars misregistered, miscut with plate numbers 3 and 4 at top


Scott 1903b, 9.3¢ precancel, imperforate error, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4
(Images of p# 3 and 4 courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2257, 10¢ Canal Boat, block tagged, plate number 1


Scott 2257a, 10¢ Canal Boat, overall tagged, plate numbers 1 and 4


 Scott 2257b, 10¢ Canal Boat, mottled prephosphored tagging, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4

Scott 2257c, 10¢ Canal Boat, solid prephosphored tagging, plate number 5

Scott 2257d, 10¢ Canal Boat, untagged error, plate number 4
(Image courtesy of Michael E. Aldrich Auctions)

Scott 2257e, 10¢ Canal Boat, imperforate error, plate number 1
(Unique PNS. Image courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2457, 10¢ Tractor Trailer with gray precancel text, green plate number 1

Scott 2457 var, 10¢ Tractor Trailer, misperfed vertically, green plate number 1

Scott 2457a, 10¢ Tractor Trailer, imperforate error, green plate number 1


Scott 2458, 10¢ Tractor Trailer with black precancel text, green and black plate numbers 11 and 22

Scott 2458 var, 10¢ Tractor Trailer with local precancel, plate number 11

Scott 2458 var, 10¢ Tractor Trailer precancel, misperfed vertically, plate number 22 (Image courtesy of eBay / ckstamps)

Scott 2130, 10.1¢ Oil Wagon, plate number 1


Scott 2130a, 10.1¢ Oil Wagon, black "Bulk Rate" precancel, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2130a, 10.1¢ Oil Wagon, red "Carrier Route" precancel, plate numbers 2 and 3


Scott 2130a var, misperfed vertically, plate numbers 2 (Image courtesy of eBay / ckstamps) and 3 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 2130b, 10.1¢ with black precancel, imperforate error, plate number 1

Scott 2130b, 10.1¢ with red precancel, imperforate error, plate number 3


Scott 1904, 10.9¢ Hansom Cab, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 1904a, 10.9¢ precanceled, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4

Scott 1904a var, 10.9¢ Hansom Cab precancel, plate number 3, showing gap in precancel bars

Scott 1904a var, 10.9¢ Hansom Cab precancel, miscut with split plate number 1 at top and bottom

Scott 1904a var, 10.9¢ Hansom Cab precancel, misperfed, plate number 2 (Image courtesy of eBay / ckstamps)

Scott 1904b, 10.9¢ Hansom Cab precancel, imperforate error, plate number 2


Scott 1905, 11¢ Caboose, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 1905a, 11¢ Caboose, precanceled, plate number 1

Scott 1905 var, 11¢ Caboose, local precancel, plate number 1


Scott 2131, 11¢ Stutz Bearcat, plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4


Scott 2132, 12¢ Stanley Steamer, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2132 var, 12¢ miscut with plate number 1 at top, split plate number 2


Scott 2132a, 12¢ longer precancel Type I, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2132b, 12¢ shorter precancel Type II, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2133, 12.5¢ Pushcart, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2133, 12.5¢ Pushcart precanceled, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2133a var, 12.5¢ precanceled, misperfed vertically, plate number 1 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 2133b, 12.5¢ precanceled, imperforate error, plate number 1

Scott 2258, 13¢ Patrol Wagon, plate number 1


Scott 2259, 13.2¢ Coal Car, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2259 var, 13.2¢ misperfed, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2259 var, 13.2¢ miscut with split plate number 1


Scott 2259a, 13.2¢ Coal Car, imperforate error, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2134, 14¢ Iceboat, Cottrell Press PNS, Type I (with joint line), plate numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4


Scott 2134a, 14¢ Type I, imperf error, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2134b, 14¢ Iceboat, B press PNS, Type II (no joint line), plate number 2


Scott 2260, 15¢ Tugboat, block tagging, plate numbers 1 and 2


Scott 2260 var, 15¢ block tagging, miscut with split plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2260a var, 15¢ overall tagging, miscut with split plate number 2

Scott 2260b, 15¢ untagged error, plate number 2

Scott 2260c, 15¢ imperf error, plate number 2


Scott 2261, 16.7¢ Popcorn Wagon, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2261 var, 16.7¢ misperfed vertically, plate number 1

Scott 2261a var, 16.7¢ imperf error, also miscut, plate number 1

Scott 1906, 17¢ Electric Auto, plate number 1

Scott 1906 var, 17¢ Electric Auto, miscut with plate number 4 at top


Scott 1906 var, misperfed, plate numbers 1 and 2 (P#2 image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1906a, 17¢ Auto, precanceled, plate number 4

Scott 1906a var, 17¢ precanceled, miscut with split plate number 6

Scott 1906 var, 17¢ Electric Auto, local precancel, plate number 2


Scott 1906b, 17¢ Electric Auto imperf error, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
Only two examples are known of 1906b plate numbers 5 and 7


Scott 1906b var, 17¢ Electric Auto imperf error, also miscut horizontally, plate number 1 at top


Scott 1906b var, 17¢ Electric Auto imperf error, also miscut horizontally, split plate numbers 2, 3 and 4


Scott 1906c, 17¢ Electric Auto precancel imperf error, plate numbers 3 and 4
(Images courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2135, 17¢ Dog Sled, plate number 2

Scott 2135 var, 17¢ Dog Sled, miscut, split plate number 2

Scott 2135a, 17¢ Dog Sled, imperforate error, plate number 2

Scott 2135a var, 17¢ Dog Sled, imperforate error and miscut, plate number 2

Scott 2262, 17.5¢ Racing Car, tagged, plate number 1

Scott 2262a, 17.5¢ Racing Car, untagged, plate number 1

Scott 2262b, 17.5¢ Racing Car, imperforate error, plate number 1 (Image courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)




Scott 1907, 18¢ Surrey, plate numbers 1 through 18


Scott 1907 var, 18¢ Surrey, misperfed vertically, plate numbers 7 and 8 (PNS 7 image courtesy of Stuart Katz)


Scott 1907 var, 18¢ Surrey, miscut with plate number at top, plate numbers 9, 10 and 13


Scott 1907 var, 18¢ Surrey, miscut causing significant design change, plate numbers 2 and 8


Scott 1907 var, 18¢ Surrey, miscut with split plate number at top and bottom, plate numbers 3 and 10


Scott 1907a, 18¢ imperf error, plate numbers 1, 2, 8, 9 and 10


Scott 1907a var, 18¢ imperf error, miscut with split plate numbers 9 and 13
(Image of PNS 13 courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries, photographically cropped from the unique strip of 4)

Scott 1908, 20¢ Fire Pumper, plate number 8


Scott 1908 var, 20¢ Fire Pumper, misperfed vertically, plate numbers 5, 7 and 12 (p# 7 image courtesy of John Himes)

Scott 1908 var, 20¢ Fire Pumper, miscut, plate number 1


Scott 1908a, 20¢ Fire Pumper imperforate error, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 , 15 and 16
(Images for p# 2-4, 6, 10-16 courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)


Scott 1908a var, 20¢ Fire Pumper imperforate error, miscut, plate numbers 1, 3, 4 and 5


Scott 2263, 20¢ Cable Car, block tagging, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2263a, 20¢ Cable Car imperf error, plate number 2

Scott 2463b, 20¢ Cable Car, overall tagged, plate number 1


Scott 2463, 20¢ Cog Railway, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2463a, 20¢ Cog Railway, imperforate error, plate number 1

Scott 2364, 20.5¢ Fire Engine, plate number 1


Scott 2265, 21¢ Railroad Mail Car, plate numbers 1 and 2

Scott 2265 var, 21¢ Railroad Mail Car, misperfed, plate number 1

Scott 2265a, 21¢ imperf error, plate number 1


Scott 2464, 23¢ Lunch Wagon, solid prephosphored tagging, plate numbers 2 and 3

Scott 2464, 23¢ Lunch Wagon, solid prephosphored tagging, misperfed, plate number 3


Scott 2464a, mottled prephosphored tagging, plate numbers 4 and 5


Scott 2464b, solid tagging, imperforate error, plate numbers 2 and 3

Scott 2464c, mottled tagging, imperforate error, plate number 3

Scott 2464c, mottled tagging, imperforate error, miscut, plate number 3

Scott 2266, 24.1¢ Tandem Bicycle, plate number 1


Scott 2136, 25¢ Bread Wagon, plate numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


Scott 2136a, 25¢ imperforate error, plate numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5

Scott 2136a var, 25¢ imperforate error, miscut, plate number 3


Scott 2466, 32¢ Ferryboat, blue, shiny gum, plate numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5

Scott 2466 var, 32¢ Ferryboat, blue, low gloss gum, plate number 5


Scott 2466b, 32¢ bright blue, plate numbers 3 and 5


Scott 2466a, 32¢ imperf error, shiny gum, plate numbers 2 and 5
(The P#5 example is photographically cropped from the unique strip of 6. Image courtesy of Kelleher Auction Galleries)

Scott 2466a, 32¢ imperf error, low gloss gum, plate number 3

Scott 2468, $1 Seaplane, overall tagging, dull gum, plate number 1

Scott 2468 var, $1 Seaplane, local precancel, plate number 1

Scott 2468a, $1 Seaplane, imperforate error, plate number 1

Scott 2468b, $1 PNS, mottled prephosphored tagging, shiny gum, plate number 3

Scott 2468c, $1 PNS, mottled prephosphored tagging, low gloss gum, plate number 3


Related links:

20¢ Commemoratives

The Great Americans series

22¢ Commemoratives

25¢ Commemoratives

29¢ Commemoratives

32¢ Commemoratives

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This page last updated September 3, 2024.
