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1912-13 Parcel Post issues

The parcel post stamps are slightly taller than the standard commemorative of the day, so they were printed in panes of 45 rather than 50.

Scott Q1, 1¢, plate number 6207

Scott Q1, 1¢, misperfed, plate number 6378

Scott Q2, 2¢, plate number 6182

Scott Q2 var, 2¢, precanceled, plate number 6379

Scott Q3, 3¢, plate number 6254

Scott Q3 var, 3¢, precanceled, plate number 6256

Scott Q3, 3¢, misperfed, plate number 6254

Scott Q3 var, 3¢, misperfed with captured plate number 6256

Scott Q4, 4¢, plate number 6171

Scott Q4 var, 4¢, precanceled, plate number 6360

Scott Q5, 5¢, plate number 6220

Scott Q5 var, 5¢, precanceled, plate number 6220

Scott Q6, 10¢, plate number 6266

Scott Q7, 15¢, plate number 6261

Scott Q7 var, 15¢, precanceled, plate number 6258

Scott Q8, 20¢, plate number 6193

Scott Q8 var, 20¢, precanceled, plate number 6194

Scott Q9, 25¢, plate number 6174

Scott Q9 var, 25¢, precanceled, plate number 6175

Scott Q10, 50¢, plate number 6427

Scott Q10, 50¢, precanceled, plate number 6428

Scott Q11, 75¢, plate number 6287

Scott Q11, 75¢, precanceled, plate number 6287

Scott Q12, $1, plate number 6262


1912-13 Parcel Post Postage Due issues

Click here to view Parcel Post Postage Dues.


Special Handling issues

The 25¢ denomination QE4 was issued first, in 1925, in a deep green shade.

The other three denominations followed in 1928, together with additional printings of the 25¢ value, all in yellow green (QE1, QE2, QE3, and QE4a). All of the 1920's printings were wet printings as was the practice at the time.

The 10¢, 15¢ and 20¢ values were reprinted in 1955. They were dry printings as was the practice at the time (QE1a, QE2a, and QE3a). Used examples are scarce to rare. There are no known used plate number examples of the dry printings.

There is no dry printing variety of the 25¢ denomination as it was not reprinted in 1955.

1925 issue

Scott QE4, 25¢ deep green, plate number F17097 (Image courtesy of Bob Rufe)


1929 wet printings

Scott QE1, 10¢ yellow green, wet printing, plate number 19554

Scott QE1 var, 10¢ local precancel, plate number 19555

Scott QE2, 15¢ yellow green, wet printing, plate number 19557

Scott QE2 var, 15¢ local precancel, plate number 19560

Scott QE2 var, ink smear, plate number 19557 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott QE3, 20¢ yellow green, wet printing, plate number 19544

Scott QE3 var, 20¢ local precancel, plate number 19543

Scott QE4a, 25¢ yellow green, wet printing, plate number 17095

Scott QE4 var, local precancel, plate number 17098


1955 dry printings

Scott QE1a, 10¢, dry printing, plate number 19553

Scott QE2a, 15¢, dry printing, plate number 19558

Scott QE3a, 20¢, dry printing, plate number 19541

Dry printing images courtesy of Bob Rufe.


Postal Insurance stamps

Plate numbers are not known on Postal Insurance stamps (Scott QI1-QI5). Please report any new discoveries.



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This page last updated May 30, 2024.