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2000-2022 Distinguished Americans Series

Most of the Distinguished Americans stamps are issued in denominations meeting the 2 ounce or 3 ounce mailing rate or other services.

The first set of Distinguished Americans stamps were black scratchboard designs with red lettering, on vertically oriented standard size definitives. A few later issues appeared in color. Stamps from 2000 to 2009 were assigned Scott Catalog numbers from a block of reserved numbers set aside for this purpose.

Beginning in 2011, a different design theme appeared. Later stamps appear in dark frames, and in different sizes and varying orientations. Scott Catalog numbers are assigned in sequence with the commemoratives, holiday stamps and other definitives issued each year. The later Distinguished Americans stamps can be viewed here.

Sheet and booklet stamps

Scott 3420, 10¢ Joseph Stilwell (2000), supplemental charge rate, plate number B111

Scott 3420a, 10¢ Stilwell, die cutting omitted error, plate number B111

Scott 3420a var, 10¢ imperforate vertically error, and only perforated horizontally in the selvage, plate number B111

Scott 3422, 23¢ Wilma Rudolph sheet stamp (2004), postal card rate, plate number P111

Scott 3422a, 23¢ Rudolph, die cutting omitted / imperforate error, plate number P111

Scott 3436, 23¢ Wilma Rudolph booklet stamp (2004), from booklet of 10, plate number P22

Scott 3436d, 23¢ Rudolph booklet, die cutting omitted / imperforate error, plate number P44

Scott 3426, 33¢ Claude Pepper (2000), first class rate, plate number B111

Scott 3427, 58¢ Margaret Chase Smith (2007), 2 ounce rate, plate number P222

Scott 3427b, 58¢ Smith, black omitted error, plate number (P1)11

Scott 3427A, 59¢ James Michener (2008), 2 ounce rate, plate number S11111

Scott 3428, 63¢ Dr. Jonas Salk (2006), 2 ounce rate, plate number P222

Scott 3428a, 63¢ black (engraved denomination) omitted error, plate number (P2)22

Scott 3430, 75¢ Harriett Beecher Stowe (2007), 3 ounce rate, plate number S111 

Scott 3431, 76¢ Hattie Callaway (2001), die cut 11 x 11, 3 ounce rate, plate number B111

Scott 3432, 76¢ Hattie Caraway, die cut 11.5 x 11, 3 ounce rate, plate number B111

Scott 3432A, 76¢ Edward Trudeau (2008), 3 ounce rate, plate number P1111

Scott 3432B, 78¢ Mary Lasker (2009), 3 ounce rate, plate number P1111

Scott 3433, 83¢ Edna Ferber, Type I (2002), 3 ounce rate, plate number B111

Scott 3433 var, 83¢ Type I, local precancel, plate number B111

Scott 3434, 83¢ Edna Ferber, Type II (2003), 3 ounce rate, plate number P221

Scott 3435, 87¢ Dr. Albert Sabin (2006), plate number S11



Distinguished Americans Series B


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This page last updated April 28, 2024.