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1957-1962 Champions of Liberty issues

1957 Issues


Scott 1096, 8¢ Ramon Magsaysay, blue plate number 25771, ochre plate number 25808

The Magsaysay stamp fell in the 3¢ rate period and was a multi-colored international rate stamp, intended to pay the 8¢ Airmail rate.


Scott 1096P, proofs plate number 25805 (ochre) and 25771 (blue). The red in the final stamp was printed in ochre on the proof. (Images courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)


1958 Issues

Scott 1110, 4¢ Simón Bolivar, plate number 26060


Scott 1110 var, 4¢ Bolivar, misperfed horizontally, captured plate numbers 26060 and 26059

Scott 1110P, proof plate number 26057 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)


Scott 1111, 8¢ Bolivar, blue plate number 26056, ochre plate number 26062


Scott 1111 var, "missing wreaths" varieties due to under-inking of dark blue, plate numbers 26062 and 26056
(Images courtesy of Stuart Katz and eBay / sheetguy2)


Scott 1111P, proofs, plate numbers 26021 (ochre) and 26056 (blue). The red in the final stamp was printed in ochre on the proof. (Images courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1117, 4¢ Lajos Kossuth, plate number 26127


Scott 1117 var, LL and UL examples misperfed vertically, plate number 26126

Scott 1117 var, misperfed vertically and miscut, LL plate number 26127, with final 6 plate number of pane to the left
(Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1117P, proof plate number 26124 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)


Scott 1118, 8¢ Kossuth, blue plate number 26091, ochre plate number 26119

Scott 1118 var, blue (leaves, stripe, 8¢) shifted down, plate number 26088

Scott 1118 var, blue severely under-inked, plate number 26088

Scott 1118 var, blue shifted up, plate number 26091 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)


Scott 1118 var, misperfed vertically, captured blue plate number 26091, captured ochre plate number 26092 (Images courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)


1959 Issues

Scott 1125, 4¢ José de San Martín, plate number 26239

  Scott 1125 var, misperfed vertically, plate numbers 26238, 26239

Scott 1125P, proof plate number 26238 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1126, 8¢ San Martín, plate number 26249

Scott 1126 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 26244 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1126 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 26249 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1126 var, reverse offset, plate number 26249

Scott 1126P var, ochre proof plate number 26244. The red and dark blue in the final stamp were printed in ochre on the proof. (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)



Scott 1136, 4¢ Ernst Reuter, plate number 26454

Scott 1136P, proof plate number 26451 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1137, 8¢ Reuter, plate number 26466

Scott 1137 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 26466


1960 Issues


Scott 1147, 4¢ Thomas G. Masaryk, plate number 26553

Scott 1147P, proof plate number 26552 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1148, 8¢ Masaryk, plate number 26562

Scott 1148 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 26562 (Image courtesy of William L. Langs)

Scott 1148P var, ultramarine proof plate number 26557. The carmine and ochre in the final stamp were printed in ultramarine on the proof. (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)



Scott 1159, 4¢ Ignacy Jan Paderewski, plate number 26742

Scott 1159P, proof plate number 26743 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1160, 8¢ Ignacy Jan Paderewski, plate number 26753

Scott 1160 var, inking EFO on plate number 26763

Scott 1160P var, ochre proof plate number 26763. The red and dark blue in the final stamp were printed in ochre on the proof. (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)



Scott 1165, 4¢ Gustav Mannerheim, plate number 26757

Scott 1165P, proof plate number 26756 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1166, 8¢ Mannerheim, plate number 26769

Scott 1166P var, ochre proof plate number 26764. The red and dark blue in the final stamp were printed in ochre on the proof. (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)



Scott 1168, 4¢ Giuseppe Garibaldi, plate number 26793

Scott 1168P, proof plate number 26792 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1169, 8¢ Garibaldi, plate number 26788

Scott 1169 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 26779

Scott 1169 var, shifted right and down, plate number 26788 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1169P var, ochre proof plate number 26779. The red and dark blue in the final stamp were printed in ochre on the proof. (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)


1961 Issues


Scott 1174, 4¢ Mahatma Gandhi, plate number 26864

Scott 1174P, proof plate number 26866 (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)

Scott 1175, 8¢ Mahatma Gandhi, plate number 26841

Scott 1175P var, ochre proof plate number 26841. The red and dark blue in the final stamp were printed in ochre on the proof. (Image courtesy of the Smithsonian National Postal Museum)


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This page last updated November 4, 2024.