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1995-2005 American Scenes Series

This loosely-defined series consists of various coil stamps for not-for-profit, bulk rate and pre-sort usages.



Scott 2902, (5¢) Butte nonprofit presort coil, perf 10, plate numbers S111, S222, S333

Scott 2902a, imperforate error, plate number S111

Scott 2902B, (5¢) Butte self-adhesive nonprofit presort coil, die cut vertically, plate number S111

Scott 2903, (5¢) Mountain nonprofit presort coil, 1995 date, perf 10, plate number 11111

Scott 2903a, (5¢) Mountain nonprofit coil, 1995 date, tagged error, plate number 11111

Scott 2904, (5¢) Mountain nonprofit presort coil, 1996 date, perf 10, plate number S111

Scott 2904c, (5¢) Mountain nonprofit presort coil, 1996 date, imperforate error, plate number S111


Scott 2904A, (5¢) Mountain self-adhesive nonprofit presort coil, 1996 date, plate numbers V222222, V333323, V333333, V333342, V333343

Scott 2904B, (5¢) Mountain self-adhesive nonprofit presort coil, 1997 date, plate number 1111

Scott 2904B var, (5¢) Mountain SA nonprofit presort coil, 1997 date, valley/peak die cut variation, plate number 1111

Scott 3207, (5¢) Swamp non-profit coil, plate number S1111


Scott 3207A, (5¢) Swamp self-adhesive non-profit coil, small date, plate numbers 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444


Scott 3207Ab, (5¢) Swamp self-adhesive non-profit coil, large date, plate numbers 5555. 6666

Scott 3693, (5¢) Sea Coast self-adhesive non-profit coil, blue 2002 date, plate number B111

Scott 3775, (5¢) Sea Coast non-profit coil, blue 2003 date, plate number B111

Scott 3785, (5¢) Sea Coast self-adhesive non-profit coil, die cut all around, dark 2003 date, plate number P1111

Scott 3785a, (5¢) Sea Coast self-adhesive non-profit coil, die cut all around, light 2003 date, plate number P2222

Scott 3874, (5¢) Sea Coast self-adhesive non-profit coil, 2003 date, plate number P2222

Scott 3875, (5¢) Sea Coast self-adhesive non-profit coil, 2004 date, plate number S1111

More examples appear on the Spotlight On Sea Coast Coils page.


Scott 3796, (25¢) Eagle presort coil, self-adhesive, 2003 date, plate numbers S1111111, S2222222, S33333333

Scott 3796a, (25¢) Eagle presort coil, 2005 date, self-adhesive, plate number S1111111

Scott 3849, (25¢) Eagle presort coil, 2004 date, plate number S1111111


1995-2005 American Transportation Series

This loosely-defined series consists of various coil stamps of stylized transportation methods, used for bulk rate and pre-sort mailing.

Scott 2905, (10¢) Auto bulk rate coil, small 1995, plate number S111

Scott 2905a, (10¢) Auto bulk rate coil, medium 1995, plate number S222

Scott 2905b, (10¢) Auto bulk rate coil, large 1995, plate number S333

Scott 2906, (10¢) Auto self-adhesive bulk rate coil, plate number S111


Scott 3228, (10¢) Bicycle self-adhesive presorted coil with small date (~1 mm), plate numbers 111, 221, 222, 333


Scott 3228, (10¢) Bicycle self-adhesive presorted coil with small date, plate numbers 344, 444, 555


Scott 3228a, (10¢) Bicycle self-adhesive presorted coil with large date (~1.25 mm), plate numbers 666, 777, 888, 999

Die cut varieties: straight corners such as 3228a P# 999; rounded corners such as 3228 P# 222

Scott 3228 var, vertical misregistration of colors most evident in black cap of handlebars, date overlap with P, and uneven plate numbers 555

Scott 3228a var, (10¢) Bicycle self-adhesive presorted coil with large date, hi-brite paper, plate number 777

Scott 3229, (10¢) Bicycle water-activated presorted coil, 2 mm date, plate number S111

Scott 2908, (15¢) Tail Fin water-activated postal coard presort coil with blue 2005, plate number 11111

Scott 2909, (15¢) Tail Fin water-activated postal coard presort coil with black 2005, plate number S11111

Scott 2910, (15¢) Tail Fin self-adhesive postal coard presort coil, plate number S11111

Scott 3522, (15¢) Woody Wagon postal coard presort coil, plate number S1111


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This page last updated August 2, 2024.