The American Plate Number Single Society |
Preliminary stamp program for 2024. Details from all USPS announcements are tentative and subject to change. All sheet or pane issues have plate numbers in four corners (UL, UR, LL, LR) unless otherwise specified.
Denominations in parentheses are Forever stamps, if first class rate, or nominal rate, if service-inscribed. The second price hike of 2023 took effect on July 9, 2023. The first class rate of 66¢ was valid into early 2024. Extra ounces remained at 24¢, with value of "forever" 2-ounce and 3-ounce stamps at 90¢ for 2 ounces and $1.14 for 3 ounces. Postcard rate was 51¢. Global airmal rate, $1.50. Semi-postal stamps were sold at 85¢, serving 66¢ in postage with a 19¢ charitable donation of about 28.8%. USPS raised the first class rate to 68¢ effective January 21, 2024. The postcard rate increased from 51¢ to 53¢. International letters, also known as the Global airmail rate, increased from $1.50 to $1.55 per ounce (or for the first two ounces, for mail to Canada). Semi-postal stamps continued to be sold at 85¢, serving 68¢ in postage with a 17¢ charitable donation of exactly 20%. Coil stamps have plate numbers at the bottom center of single stamps and appear in the coil at the interval specified.
Plate numbers and copyright markings for self-adhesive booklet stamps or ATM panes appear on a peelable strip within the pane. Copyright, Pane Position Diagrams (PPD), ZIP code, math aids and other markings have appeared on the back of most regular issues for several years. As it does every year, USPS moved the tiny date appearing on new stamp designs. For 2024 issues, it appears horizontally in the lower right corner.
Regular issues and commemoratives
(F) Love 2024, Dove with Envelope (Scott 5826), and imperf (Scott 5826a): P111 Effective January 21, the (F) Forever rate was raised from 66¢ to 68¢. $9.85 Pillars of Creation (priority mail rate) (Scott 5827): P1111 in UL and LR $30.45 Cosmic Cliffs (express mail rate) (Scott 5828): P1111 in UL and LR
(F) Year of the Dragon (Scott 5829) and imperf (Scott 5829a): B111111 in LL and LR (F) Constance Baker Motley (Scott 5830), and imperf (Scott 5830a): P1111 in LL and LR (3 oz - $1.16) Saul Bellow, 3 ounce rate (Scott 5831): B11111 (10¢) Radiant Star, presorted standard coil of 3,000 (Scott 5832): B111 every 27 stamps
(F) John Wooden (Scott 5833) and imperf (Scott 5833a): B1111
Catherine Coffin (Scott 5839) and Laura Haviland (Scott 5843)
Imperf Catherine Coffin (Scott 5839a) and Laura Haviland (Scott 5843a)
(F) Bluegrass Music (Scott 5844) and imperf (Scott 5844a), : B1111
Hummingbird and yellow flower (Scott 5846) and Hummingbird with red flowers (Scott 5848) (F) Celebration Blooms "wedding stamp" (Scott 5849): B11111 (2 oz - 92¢) Wedding Blooms, 2 ounce rate (Scott 5850): B11111 (F) Save Manatees booklet (Scott 5851): B1111
(F) Betty Ford (Scott 5852) and imperf (Scott 5852a): B11111 in LL and LR $1 Floral Geometry (Scott 5853): B1111 in UL and LR
Grand Teton (Scott 5854m) and Great Sand Dunes (Scott 5854p)
Imperf Grand Teton (Scott 5854ag) and imperf Great Sand Dunes (Scott 5854ad)
Carousel Horse (Scott 5863) and Midway (Scott 5860)
Imperforate Carousel Horse (Scott 5863a) and Midway (Scott 5860a)
Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Scott 5870) and Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Scott 5869)
Imperforate Scott 5870a and imperforate 5869a Scott 5873 from Scott 5876 from (F) U.S. Flags coils of 3,000 and 10,000, die cut 10 (Scott 5882a): P1111 every 27
(F) U.S. Flags, four designs, A-P booklet of 20, block tagged: P1111
(F) U.S. Flags, four designs, BCA booklet of 20, prephosphored block: B1111
Horse with long white mane (Scott 5895) and Horse with brown spots (Scott 5891)
Imperforate Horses (Scott 5895a, 5891a)
Wood stove (Scott 5896i) and Cheese baskets (Scott 5896l)
Imperforate Scott 5896v, 5896y
(F) rate change to 73¢, effective July 15, 2024 1¢ Fringed Tulip, pane of 20 (Scott 5897): P1111 1¢ Fringed Tulip coil of 10,000 (Scott 5902): P11111 every 27 2¢ Daffodils, pane of 20 (Scott 5898): B11111 2¢ Daffodils coil of 10,000 (Scott 5903): B11111 every 27 3¢ Peonies, pane of 20 (Scott 5899): P11111 3¢ Peonies coil of 10,000 (Scott 5904): P11111 every 27 5¢ Red Tulips, pane of 20 (Scott 5900): P11111 5¢ Red Tulips coil of 10,000 (Scott 5905): P11111 every 27 10¢ Poppies and Coneflowers, pane of 20 (Scott 5901): B11111 10¢ Poppies and Coneflowers coil of 10,000 (Scott 5906): B11111 every 27
(F) Alex Trebek (Scott 5907) and imperforate (Scott 5907a): B111 in LL & LR
(F) Hank Aaron (Scott 5908) and imperforate (Scott 5908a): P1111 in LL & LR
Death Knight (Scott 5917) and Character with container (Scott 5916)
Imperforate Dungeons and Dragons: B1111 in LL (Scott 5917a) & LR (Scott 5916a)
Smile (Scott 5919), Love (Scott 5926), Yes (Scott 5927) and Happy (Scott 5924)
Imperforate Smile (Scott 5919a), Love (5926a), Yes (5927a) and Happy (5924a)
Tree (brown and green leaves) (Scott 5937) and Tree (orange leaves/blue sky) (Scott 5938)
Imperforate Scott 5937a and 5938a (F) First Continental Congress (preliminary Scott 5939): P1111 Imperforate First Continental Congress (preliminary Scott 5939a): P1111 (F) Holiday Joy booklet, four Ornament designs: B1111 at L & R (F) Christmas - Madonna booklet: B11111 at L & R (F) Hanukkah: B111 (F) Kwanzaa: P1111 (F) Winter Whimsey booklet, four Snowflake designs (F) Healthcare Community: B111111 in LL & LR
Airmail issues Although the global airmail stamps of the last few years are intended to meet an airmail rate, they are actually valid for all types of mailings and there is no indication in the stamps' designs that they are primarily for airmail purposes. Therefore Scott assigns a regular catalog number rather than one with the traditional C prefix. We display images of these stamps at the end of the Modern Airmails web page, but with the non-airmal catalogue number that is assigned to them.
Hunting Permit stamps
$25 Northern Pintail self-adhesive hunting permit stamp 2024-2025, from pane of 20 (Scott RW91): P11111 $25 Northern Pintail hunting permit self-adhesive pane of 1 (Scott RW91A): no plate numbers
Official stamps Official stamps were "officially" discontinued in 2013. The handful of federal government agencies with remaining stock used up their existing stamps, then converted to forever stamps, meters and other postage payment methods.
The plate number information appearing on this page has been contributed by APNSS members Jim Cochrane and Rick Burdsall.
A complete listing and valuation of plate numbers, positions and other marginal markings will appear in the next edition of the Hebert's Catalog of Plate Number Singles.
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