The American Plate Number Single Society |
U.S. stamp program for 2022. All sheet or pane issues have plate numbers in four corners (UL, UR, LL, LR) unless otherwise specified.
Denominations in parentheses are Forever stamps, if first class rate, or nominal rate, if service-inscribed. The first class rate remained 58¢ for early 2022. Extra ounces were 20¢, giving values of 78¢ and 98¢ to "forever" 2-ounce and 3-ounce stamps. The global airmail rate, which is not subject to the same regulations as domestic postal rates, remained unchanged at $1.30. Postcard rate 40¢. Non-machinable rate (typically paid with a butterfly stamp) 88¢. These rates were raised effective July 10, 2022. First class +2¢ to 60¢. Extra ounces +4¢ to 24¢, with value of "forever" 2-ounce and 3-ounce stamps going +6¢ to 84¢ for 2 ounces and +10¢ to $1.08 for 3 ounces. Postcard rate +4¢ to 44¢. Global airmal rate, +10¢ to $1.40. Non-machinable rate +11¢ to 99¢. Semi-postal stamps are now 75¢, serving 60¢ in postage duty with a 15¢ charitable donation. Coil stamps have plate numbers at the bottom center of single stamps and appear in the coil at the interval specified.
Plate numbers and copyright markings for self-adhesive booklet stamps or ATM panes appear on a peelable strip within the pane. Copyright, Pane Position Diagrams (PPD), ZIP code, math aids and other markings have appeared on the back of most regular issues for several years. As it does every year, USPS has moved the tiny date. For 2022, it appears horizontally in the lower left corner.
Regular issues and commemoratives
1¢ Apples coil (Scott 5037), reprint with plate number P222222 was reported in December 2022. See the Fruits web page for additional details
4¢ Blueberries, pane of 20 (Scott 5652): B111111 See the Fruits web page for additional details 4¢ Blueberries, coils of 3k and 10k (Scott 5653): B111111 every 27 stamps See the Fruits web page for additional details (F) U.S. Flags, die cut 11-1/2 x 11, pane of 20 (Scott 5654): B1111 (F) U.S. Flags coil of 100, die cut 10-3/4 vertically, prephosphored paper, tall backing paper (Scott 5655): B1111 every 31 stamps Linn's Stamp News reported on Mar. 27, 2023 that counterfeit coils of 100 shipped from China were confiscated at DFW Airport in Texas. (F) U.S. Flags coil of 100, die cut 11 vertically, backing paper same height as stamp (Scott 5656): B1111 every 27 stamps (F) U.S. Flags coil of 100, die cut 9-1/2 vertically, block tagging (Scott 5657): P1111 every 31 stamps (F) U.S. Flags, booklet of 20, die cut 11-1/4 x 10-3/4, prephosphored paper (Scott 5658): B1111 Linn's Stamp News reported on Mar. 27, 2023 that counterfeit booklets of 20 shipped from China were confiscated at DFW Airport in Texas.
(F) U.S. Flags, booklet of 20, die cut 11-1/4 x 10-3/4, block tagging (Scott 5659): P1111 and P2222 The reprint with plate number P2222 was reported in October 2022.
Scott 5660 Gray background, and Scott 5661 pink background,
Imperf Scott 5660a Gray background, and imperf Scott 5661a pink background,
(F) Lunar New Year - Year of the Tiger (Scott 5662, imperf Scott 5662a): B111111 at LL & LR
(F) Edmonia Lewis (Scott 5663, imperf Scott 5663a): B11111 at LL & LR
Scott 5665 from (10¢) Butterfly Garden Flowers, nominal not-for-profit rate, coils of 3000 and 10,000: B1111 every 24 A reprint with plate number B2222 was reported in 2023. $8.95 Monument Valley, priority mail rate (Scott 5666): P1111 at UL & LR $26.95 Palace of Fine Arts, express mail rate (Scott 5667): P1111 at UL & LR
Soccer player (red shirt) (Scott 5671, imperf Scott 5671a) Pasqueflower (Scott 5675)
Pasqueflower (Scott 5676) and Wood Lily (Scott 5677) ($1.30) African Daisy, global airmail rate (Scott 5680): P111111 Excellent counterfeits have been reported, also having plate number P111111. 5680-CF1 is untagged. 5680-CF2 can be distinguished because its tagging is brighter and more even than on the genuine stamps. (F) Tulips (Scott 5681): B111111 (78¢ 2 oz.) Sunflower Bouquet (Scott 5682): B111111, B222222 The reprint with plate number B222222 was reported in July 2023. The 2 ounce rate was (58¢ + 20¢ = 78¢) when first issued; then (60¢ + 24¢ = 84¢) from late 2022-Jan. 2023; (63¢ + 24¢ = 87¢) from Jan.-July 2023; then (66¢ + 24¢ = 90¢) after the July 9, 2023 rate hike.
(F) Shel Silverstein (Scott 5683 and imperf Scott 5683a): P1111
Flag on Barn with Gimbrel Roof (Scott 5686) Plate number P22222 was reported in June 2023
Untitled work by artist George Morrison (Scott 5692 and imperf, Scott 5692a)
(F) Eugenie Clark, Shark Lady (Scott 5693) and imperf (Scott 5693a): B1111111 Scott 5694 (no oar splash) and 5695 (oar splash at LL) from Red shirt rowers, Scott 5694a (no oar splash) and 5695a (oar splash at LL) from The die cutting in each row does not align vertically with the die cutting of the row above or below it, making top/bottom pairs or blocks difficult to collect. It appears the only way to collect a block including all varieties is as a block of all 8 stamps from any two complete rows, or as a plate block of 8 from the bottom two rows. From a pane of 20, 3 stamps (15%) will be red rower Scott 5694; 9 stamps (45%) will be red rower Scott 5695; 6 stamps (30%) will be blue rower Scott 5696; and only 2 stamps (10%) will be blue rower Scott 5697. There are 4-1/2 times as many red 5694 stamps as blue 5697 stamps.
New Orleans bridge (Scott 5698i) and Mississippi Bayou (Scott 5698j)
Imperf New Orleans bridge (Scott 5698s) and Mississippi Bayou (Scott 5698t) (78¢ 2 oz.) Katharine Graham (Scott 5699): B11111 at LL & LR $2.00 Floral Geometry (Scott 5700): B1111 at UL & LR $5.00 Floral Geometry (Scott 5701): B1111 at UL & LR From this point, (F) stamp face value is 60¢.
(F) Nancy Reagan (Scott 5702) and imperf (Scott 5702a): B1111 at LL & LR
Mariachi, pink (Scott 5704) and Mariachi, purple (Scott 5703)
Imperf Mariachi, pink (Scott 5704a) and imperf Mariachi, purple (Scott 5703a) (F) Pete Seeger (Scott 5708): no plate numbers
Standing Buzz, Go Beyond at right (Scott 5712) and imperf (Scott 5712a)
California sea lions (Scott 5713m) and Icy Coast at Thunder Bay (Scott 5713p)
Imperf Sea lions (Scott 5713m var) and imperf Thunder Bay (Scott 5713p var) (F) Elephants, booklet of 20 (Scott 5714): P1111 at L & R
Javelin (Scott 5719) and Mustang (Scott 5715)
Imperf Javelin (Scott 5719a) and Mustang (Scott 5715a)
(F) James Webb Space Telescope (Scott 5720) and imperf (Scott 5720a): B1111 at LL & LR (F) Traditional Christmas, Virgin and Child by unknown Scandicci master (Scott 5721)
Elf with bear (Scott 5722) and Elf with present (Scott 5723)
Charlie Brown (Scott 5726a), Linus (Scott 5726f),
Imperf Charlie Brown (Scott 5726l), Lucy (Scott 5726m), Linus (Scott 5726q),
Pansies (Scott 5732) and Grape hyacinths (Scott 5734)
Counterfeit examples from counterfeit Snowy Beauty booklet (Scott 5736b-CF1): P1111 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz) (F) Kwanzaa 2022 (Scott 5737): B111111
(F) WW2 Women Cryptologists (Scott 5738; imperf 5738a): P1111 at LL & LR (F) Hanukkah 2022 (Scott 5739): B1111
Airmail issues Although the global airmail stamps of the last few years are intended to meet an airmail rate, they are valid for all types of mailings and there is no indication in the stamps' designs that they are primarily for airmail purposes. Therefore Scott assigns a regular catalog number rather than one with the traditional C prefix. We display images of these stamps at the end of the Modern Airmails web page, but with the non-airmal catalogue number that is assigned to them.
Hunting Permit stamps $25 Redheads, self-adhesive hunting permit stamp 2022-2023, from pane of 20 (Scott RW89) $25 Hunting Permit self-adhesive pane of 1 (Scott RW89A): no plate numbers
Rumored, possible or postponed
Another new semi-postal stamp, subject not announced. USPS originally planned to retire each semipostal after two years. The Alzheimer's semi-postal stamp was withdrawn from sale in November 2019 and was replaced by the PTSD semi-postal. Due to Congressional pressure, stocks of the Alzheimer's stamp were kept in local post offices; they were merely removed from sale. Sales resumed in October 2020. (F) Baskets (F) York (Lewis and Clark Expedition) (F) Madonna and Child by Bachiacca (F) Against All Odds (Memorial Day) (F) James Brown, if they can ovecome copyright issues and other disagreements with Brown's estate and heirs (F) Five Fishes (F) Johnny Carson (F) Steve Jobs (F) Latino Baseball (F) Peanuts comic strip, finally planned for 2022 (F) Solar Awareness; unclear whether the 2021 Sun Science issue fulfilled this (F) Distinguished Airmen (F) Science Fiction Writers (five designs), which was postponed from the previously announced 2013 program, was originally planned for July 2014, but did not happen then or in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 ro 2021, so it is apparently now postponed again. There are apparently issues with obtaining the rights from the heirs or estates. Postponed from the announced or rumored 2014 - 2021 programs (F) The Beatles (although an individual John Lennon stamp was issued in late 2018) (F) Piñatas (multiple designs) (F) Dora the Explorer (multiple designs) (F) Stop Bullying (F) Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters (multiple designs) (F) Skin Health (F) Elizabeth Taylor (copyright / licensing issues are apparently holding this up) (F) Graphic Design (pane of 12 designs) An (F) Aretha Franklin stamp was announced shortly after her death, but has apparently been stalled over copyright / licensing issues.
Official stamps Official stamps were "officially" discontinued in 2013. Government agencies with stamps used up existing stock, then converted to forever stamps, meters and other postage payment methods.
The plate number information appearing on this page has been contributed by APNSS members Jim Cochrane and Rick Burdsall.
A complete listing and valuation of plate numbers, positions and other marginal markings will appear in the next edition of the Hebert's Catalog of Plate Number Singles.
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Opinions expressed by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the APNSS, its officers or members.