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1974-1975 Ten Cent Commemorative issues

The ten cent rate arrived during a period of high inflation, and the postal service made frequent requests for higher rates to meet their payroll, fuel and pension costs.  The rate was short-lived, being superseded by the 13¢ rate in 1975.

1974 issues

Scott 1505, 10¢ Rural America - Chautauqua, plate number 35509

Scott 1505 var, local precancel, plate number 35510

Scott 1505 var, engraved black shifted left, plate number 35526 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1505 var, engraved black shifted left and up, plate number 35526 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1505 var, miscut due to paper fold, plate number 35500

Scott 1506, 10¢ Rural America - Steam Train, plate number 35545

Scott 1506 var, local precancel, plate number 35545

Scott 1506 var, dark blue shifted right, plate number 35558

Scott 1509, 10¢ Crossed Flags, red plate number 34754

Scott 1509 var, 10¢ Crossed Flags, local precancel, red plate number 34751

Scott 1509 var, red shifted left, extraneous red ink, offset of blue at UL, blue plate number 34724

Scott 1509 var, red ink stain, blue plate number 34747

Scott 1509 var, blue ink smear, red plate number 34969

Scott 1509 var, broken red guide line and red ink smear, blue plate number 34878

Scott 1509 var, 10¢ Crossed Flags, misperfed vertically, blue plate number 34724

Scott 1509a, horizontal pair imperf between, plate number 34770 / 34699

Scott 1509b, blue omitted error, plate number 34998

Scott 1509 var, red omitted error, imperforate error, plate number 34727

Scott 1510, 10¢ Jefferson Memorial, plate number 34591

Scott 1510 var, misperfed vertically, captured plate number 34595

Scott 1510 var, misperfed horizontally to top, plate number 34591 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)


Scott 1510 var, misperfed horizontally, plate numbers 34593, 34594, 34595 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz), and 35783

Scott 1510a, 10¢ Jefferson Memorial, untagged, Bureau precancel, plate number 35766

Scott 1510 var, 10¢ Jefferson Memorial, local precancel, plate number 34596

Scott 1510d var, 10¢ miscut, from booklet pane of 6 (Scott 1510d), plate number 35211

Scott 1511, 10¢ ZIP Code, plate number 34420

Scott 1511 var, local precancel, plate number 34415

Scott 1511 var, 10¢ ZIP Code, misperfed, captured plate number 34420

Scott 1511 var, 10¢ ZIP Code, all colors mis-aligned, plate number 34415

Scott 1511a, yellow omitted error, cyan plate number 34417

Scott 1518a, 6.3¢ Liberty Bell coil, untagged, Bureau precancel, plate number 35612

Scott 1520, 10¢ Jefferson Memorial coil, plate number 36827

Scott 1525, 10¢ VFW, plate number 34884

Scott 1525 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 34884

Scott 1525 var, tagging ghost appearing as double impression of blue, plate number 34884 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1525 var, block wipe out errors, plate number 34884 (Image courtesy of eBay / littlearttreasures)

Scott 1525b, blue omitted error resulting from horizontal misperf, captured plate number 34884

Scott 1526, 10¢ Robert Frost, plate number 34883

Scott 1527, 10¢ Expo 74, plate number 34448

Scott 1527 var, misperfed vertically, captured plate number 34444 (Image courtesy of eBay / ckstamps)

Scott 1527 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 34447 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1528, 10¢ Horse Racing, plate number 35108

Scott 1528a, 10¢ Horse Racing, blue omitted error, plate number 35114

Scott 1529, 10¢ Skylab, plate number 35256

Scott 1529 var, black shifted right, plate number 35227

Scott 1529 var, black (left shadow, text) shifted up, plate number 35227

Scott 1529 var, black shifted down and right, plate number 35216 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1529 var, yellow shifted up, blue shifted down, plate number 35220

Scott 1529 var, yellow and engraved black shifted up, plate number 35227

Scott 1529 var, blue and red shifted down, plate number 35217 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)


Raphael (Scott 1530); Hokusai (Scott 1531); Peto (Scott 1532); and Liotard (Scott 1533)
from 10¢ UPU issue (Scott 1537a)


Terborch (Scott 1534); Chardin (Scott 1535); Gainesborough (Scott 1536); and Goya (Scott 1537)
from 10¢ UPU issue (Scott 1537a)

Scott 1530 var, 10¢ Raphael, misperfed horizontally, captured plate number 35263

Scott 1530 var, misperfed due to fold, plate number 35263

Scott 1531 var, misperfed vertically and horizontally, plate number 35264

Scott 1532 var, misperfed vertically and horizontally, plate number 35265

Scott 1533 var, 10¢ Liotard, misperfed vertically and horizontally, plate number 35266

Scott 1534 var, misperfed vertically and horizontally, plate number 35267

Scott 1537 var, double perfed horizontally, plate number 35263


Raphael (Scott 1530 var); Hokusai (Scott 1531 var); Peto (Scott 1532 var); and Liotard (Scott 1533 var);
imperforate vertically error, from block of 8 (Scott 1537b)

(Images courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)


Terborch (Scott 1534 var); Chardin (Scott 1535 var); Gainesborough (Scott 1536 var); and Goya (Scott 1537 var)
imperforate vertically error, from block of 8 (Scott 1537b

(Images courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)



Petrified Wood (Scott 1538); Tourmaline (Scott 1539); Amethyst (Scott 1540); Rhodochrosite (Scott 1541)
from 10¢ Minerals block of four (Scott 1541a)

Scott 1538 var, 10¢ Petrified Wood from Minerals block of four (Scott 1541a), local precancel, plate number 35080

Scott 1538 var, black shifted down, plate number 35068

Scott 1538a, light blue and yellow (litho) omitted error, from Minerals bock of 4 (Scott 1541b), plate number 35063

Scott 1539 var, green shifted left, plate number 35063

Scott 1539 var, black and purple shifted down, plate number 35069

Scott 1539a, pale blue (border) and yellow omitted error, from Minerals block of four (Scott 1541b), plate number 35069

Scott 1540 var, misperfed horizontally, captured plate number 35069

Scott 1541 var, red, purple and engraved black shifted up and right, plate number 35067 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1542, 10¢ Kentucky settlement, plate number 35245

Scott 1542 var, black shifted left (fort, cow), plate number 35246 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1542 var, engraved black, engraved dark green shifted up and left, plate number 35273 (Image courgesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1542 var, "extra trees" variety on right stamp caused by additional light green ink, plate number 35246

Scott 1542 var, misperfed horizontally due to paper fold, plate number 35255 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1542 var, misperfed in selvage due to paper fold, plate number 35284 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1542 var, double impression, plate number 35255 (Image courtesy of eBay / threeangels74)

Scott 1542c, green (engraved) omitted error, plate number 35284



Carpenters' Hall (Scott 1543); First Continental Congress (Scott 1544); Declaration (Scott 1545); Independence Hall (Scott 1546)
from 10¢ Declaration of Independence block of 4 (Scott 1546a)

Scott 1544 var, offset on back under gum, plate number 35335

Scott 1547, 10¢ Energy Conservation, plate number 35120

Scott 1547 var, misperfed due to paper fold, plate number 35122

Scott 1547 var, blue shifted left, plate number 35103 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1547a, blue ("Conservation") and orange (drops) omitted error, plate number 35105 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1547b, red (drops) and green (denomination) omitted error, plate number 35122 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1547c, green (denomination) omitted error, plate number 35102

Scott 1548, 10¢ Sleepy Hollow, plate number 35650

Scott 1548 var, engraved black (tree, horses, riders) shifted up, plate number 35623 (Image courtesy of Steve Dubois)

Scott 1548 var, reverse offset, plate number 35622 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1549, 10¢ Retarded Children, plate number 35496

Scott 1549 var, misperfed horizontally to bottom, plate number 35514 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1549 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 35525 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1549 var, misperfed horizontally to top, plate number 35501 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1549 var, misperfed horizontally and vertically, plate number 35528 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1549 var, reverse image on gum, plate number 35497 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1549 var, reverse image under gum, plate number 35497 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1549a, tagging omitted error, plate number 35525 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1550, 10¢ Christmas 1974, Ornament, plate number 35596

Scott 1550 var, orange ink smear that covered the entire plate strip of five stamps, plate number 35596 (Image courtesy of Matt Todd)

Scott 1551, 10¢ Christmas 1974, Currier & Ives print, plate number 35408

Scott 1551 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 35416 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1551 var, yellow shifted right, plate number 35425 (Image courtesy of eBay / Anthony's Stamps)

Scott 1551 var, tape repair applied after printing but before perforation, plate number 35415 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1551a, buff omitted error, pair with yellow plate number 35421 plus blank corner selvage where buff plate number 35420 should appear
Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1552, 10¢ Christmas 1974, Dove Weather Vane, precanceled self-adhesive, plate number 35638

Scott 1552 var, red and blue shifted down, plate number 35636 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

1975 issues

Scott 1553, 10¢ Benjamin West, plate number 35384

Scott 1553 var, misperfed horizontally at top, plate number 35384 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1554, 10¢ Paul W. Dunbar, plate number 36027

Scott 1554a, imperforate error, plate number 36027

Scott 1555, 10¢ D.W. Griffith, plate number 36047

Scott 1555 var, engraved brown shifted down and right, plate number 36046

Scott 1555 var, engraved brown shifted left, plate number 36065
(UL image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2; LR image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1555 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 36048 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1555 var, misperfed due to foldover, plate number 36050

Scott 1555 var, misperfed due to complex foldover, plate number 36037

Scott 1555 var, offset on reverse (under gum), plate number 36048 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1556, 10¢ Pioneer mission to Jupiter, plate number 35822

Scott 1556 var, red shifted down, plate number 35838


Scott 1556 var, misperfed and miscut due to paper fold, plate numbers 35850 and 25832

Scott 1556a, red and dark yellow omitted error, plate number 35832

Scott 1556b, imperforate error, plate number 35820 (Image courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)

Scott 1556b var, imperforate error from printer's waste, plate number 35820

Scott 1557, 10¢ Mariner 10, plate number 35977

Scott 1557 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 35991

Scott 1557 var, red (star) shifted down, plate number 35992 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1557 var, gray shifted down, plate number 35975 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1557 var, blue shifted down, plate number 35967 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1557 var, black, blue and engraved black shifted down, captured plate number 35968 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1557 var, black shifted right and down, plate number 35967 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1557 var, black shifted right, plate number 35990 (Image courtesy of eBay / sheetguy2)

Scott 1557 var, black shifted left and down, plate number 35976 (Image courtesy of Bill Langs)

Scott 1557 var, red start shifted down (below E of VENUS), plate number 35947 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1557a, red omitted error, plate number 35993

Scott 1557b, ultramarine and bistre omitted error, plate number 35976

Only one pane of 50 is known, and this plate number single is unique.

Scott 1558, 10¢ Collective Bargaining, plate number 35587

Scott 1558 var, misperfed vertically and miscut, plate number 35583

Scott 1559, 8¢ Sybil Ludington, plate number 35722

PNS with back inscription omitted (Scott 1559a) exists but not illustrated because there is no difference to the plate number side.

Scott 1560, 10¢ Salem Poor, plate number 35734

Scott 1560 var, misperfed horizontally and miscut, plate number 35738 (Image courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)

Scott 1560 var, black omitted error due to horizontal misperf and miscut, plate number 35734 (Image courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)

PNS with back inscription omitted (Scott 1560a) not illustrated because there is no difference to the plate number side.

Scott 1561, 10¢ Haym Solomon, plate number 35716

Scott 1561 var, misperfed vertically, captured plate number 35720

PNS with back inscription omitted (Scott 1561a) exists but not illustrated because there is no difference to the plate number side.

Scott 1561b, red omitted error, plate number 35720 (Image courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)

Scott 1562, 18¢ Peter Francisco, plate number 35746

Scott 1563, 10¢ Battles of Lexington and Concord, plate number 35795

Scott 1563a, imperforate horizontally error, plate number 35795 (Image courtesy of Gary Posner)

Scott 1564, 10¢ Battle of Bunker Hill, plate number 36015

Scott 1564 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 36015 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)



Scott 1565, Continental Soldier; Scott 1566, Continental Sailor; Scott 1567, Continental Marine; Scott 1568, Militiaman
from 10¢ Military Uniforms issue (Scott 1568a)

Scott 1565 var, brown shifted left, magenta plate number 36057 (Image courtesy of eBay / nystamps)

Scott 1566 var, brown shifted left, black plate number 36058 (Image courtesy of eBay / nystamps)

Scott 1567 var, brown shifted left, light blue plate number 36061 (Image courtesy of eBay / mike2001)

Scott 1568 var, brown shifted left, blue plate number 36062 (Image courtesy of eBay / mike2001)


Apollo-Soyuz, blue (Scott 1569); and Apollo-Soyuz, gray (Scott 1570)
from 10¢ Apollo-Soyuz joint issue with USSR (Scott 1570a), plate number 36303

Scott 1569 var, misperfed horizontally, gray plate number 36305

Scott 1569 var, local precancel, gray plate number 36299

Scott 1570 var, misperfed horizontally, blue plate number 36300

Scott 1570 var, local precancel, blue plate number 36306

Scott 1571, 10¢ International Women's Year, plate number 36434



Stagecoach (Scott 1572); Steam engine (Scott 1573); Stagecoach (Scott 1574); and Communications satellite (Scott 1575)
from 10¢ Postal Service Bicentennial (Scott 1575a)
, plate number 36331

Scott 1573 var, red shifted up, blue plate number 36333 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1576, 10¢ World Peace Through Law, plate number 36514

Scott 1576 var, misperfed vertically, plate number 36506

Scott 1576b, imperforate vertically error, plate number 36535 (Image courtesy of The Philatelic Foundation)


Banking (Scott 1577) and Commerce (Scott 1578) from Banking and Commerce issue (Scott 1578a)

Scott 1577 var, bronze color shift, plate number 36867

Scott 1577 var, green amd brown shifted up, plate number 36845

Scott 1577 var, brown and blue omitted error, from Scott 1578b, plate number 36843 (Image courtesy of Malack Stamps)

Scott 1578 var, brown, green and gray shifted up, possible double impression, plate number 36879

Scott 1578 var, misperfed horizontally, plate number 36848

Scott 1578a var, green and bronze color shifts (blue and yellow are correctly placed), captured plate number 36835

Scott 1578 var, brown and blue omitted error, from Scott 1578b, plate number 36845 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1579, (10¢) Christmas 1975, Madonna, yellow plate number 36747

The requested first-class rate increase to 15¢ was pending and had not been approved by the time these stamps needed to be printed. As a result, they were printed with no denomination. Ultimately, the rate increase was only to 13¢. The uncertainty caused the Postal Service to decide to preprint and stockpile the "alphabet" temporary stamps which could be issued in whatever denomination was approved.

Scott 1579a, imperforate error, yellow plate number 36747 (Image courtesy of Stuart Katz)

Scott 1580, (10¢) Christmas 1975, Early Christmas Card, L perf 11.2, beige plate number 36636

Scott 1580c, (10¢) Christmas 1975, Early Christmas Card, perf 10.9, beige plate number 36630

Scott 1580 var, misperfed vertically, beige plate number 36636

Scott 1580a, imperforate error, beige plate number 36630

Scott 1580B, (10¢) Early Christmas Card, bulls-eye perf 10.5 x 11.3, beige plate number 36886


Scott 1580 was the last 10¢ commemorative issued before the rate hike to 13¢. However, 10¢ continued as the post card rate through the 13¢ and 15¢ periods. The only 10¢ stamp issued during the 13 or 15 cent rate periods was the 10¢ Olympics Decathlon stamp (Scott 1790). A plate number single example appears with the 15¢ commemoratives. Of course, the 10¢ Americana and Richard Russell and Red Cloud definitives from the Great Americans series continued were also available to meet the post card rate.

Related pages:

8¢ Commemoratives

The Prominent Americans series

13¢ Commemoratives


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This page last updated November 6, 2024.
